
For all fees payable please consult the following: 

Fees Payable

For all fees payable please consult the following Regulations:

Regulations relating to the fees payable by social workers, child and youth care workers, social auxiliary workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers, student social workers and student child and youth care workers (Government Notice No. R 3485 published in Government Gazette No 48693 of 2 June 2023)

How to Pay Your Fees?

All fees payable to the SACSSP need to be deposited into the SACSSP’s Bank Account with a correct reference number. Please note that no application or request that is subject to the payment of a prescribed fee will be processed without proof of payment.


  • All payments must have the correct Deposit Reference Number as this is the only way in which the SACSSP can identify a payment made in the bank account.
  • The SACSSP is not liable nor responsible for payments that are made without an identifiable and correct Deposit Reference Number.

Always keep a copy of your proof of payment for your own records.


Firstly, payment of fees into the SACSSP bank account must be deposited with the correct Reference Number:


Social workers and social auxiliary workers registering for the FIRST TIME with the SACSSP must use the following Reference Number when a payment is made:

For social workers: The SACSSP registration number starting with 40- the number obtained when one was registered as a student

For social auxiliary workers: The SACSSP registration number starting with 30- the number obtained when one was registered as a student.

For students in social work and social auxiliary work registering for the FIRST time with SACSSP: Use the following reference number when a payment is made: 60- plus the first 5 numbers of Identity Number (ID) For example, if your ID number is 980505 5482 082, the reference number will be 60-98050.

For child and youth care workers (professional category of registration): The SACSSP registration number starting with 20- the number obtained when one was registered as a student.

For child and youth care workers (auxiliary category of registration): The SACSSP registration number starting with 80- the number obtained when one was registered as a student.

For students in child and youth care workers (professional or auxiliary levels) registering for the FIRST time with the SACSSP: Use the following reference number when a payment is made: 18- plus the first 5 numbers of Identity Number (ID). For example, if your ID number is 980505 5482 082, the reference number will be 18-98050.

Final year students in Social Work and Child and Youth Care Work registering for the FIRST TIME as a social worker, child and youth care worker (professional category), social auxiliary worker or child and youth care worker (auxiliary category) should use the SACSSP registration number they received as students (from their first or second year of study, as applicable) as reference number when payments are made. Also, see above.


Payment of Annual Fees and Other Fees by social service professionals ALREADY REGISTERED with the SACSSP.

Social worker, social auxiliary worker, child and youth care workers (professional category of registration) and child and youth care workers (auxiliary category of registration) must use their SACSSP registration number as a reference when making a payment (starting with 10- for social work; 50- for social auxiliary work); 70- for child and youth care work (professional category) and 90- for child and youth care work(auxiliary category)


Receipts of payments are issued and mailed to the payee as soon as it is processed.

If a receipt is not received it may be due to the fact that a person’s postal address and other contact details are not up to date. Always make sure that your contact details with the SACSSP are up to date. See Change of Particulars.

Advice: The earlier annual fees are paid, the better. Too often social service professionals wait until the last few days before the deadline (31 March), which causes a bottleneck and delays for the office to issue thousands of receipts.

Please direct all enquiries regarding receipts related to registration and annual fee payments to

Bank Details

Account name: SACSSP

Bank: Nedbank
Account number: 1190739410
Branch: Menlyn Maine
Branch code: 198765

Important: A Deposit Reference Number must be provided with every payment


37 Annie Botha Ave Riviera
Pretoria 0084

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(+27) 012 356 8300