Click on the underlined text to download a document/ form or open a link. Some forms are editable and can be completed electronically.
PLEASE NOTE: If you were previous registered with the SACSSP in the same category, for example you were registered as social worker, then left the profession or got removed from the Register kept in terms of section 19 of the Act, and you want to re-enter the profession of social work, you need to apply for restoration (and not registration). Find the applicable forms under Restoration Forms.
Registration Forms
Click on the underlined text to download a document/form or open a link. Some forms are editable and can be completed electronically.
PLEASE NOTE: If you were previous registered with the SACSSP in the same category, for example you were registered as social worker, then left the profession or got removed from the Register kept in terms of section 19 of the Act, and you want to re-enter the profession of social work, you need to apply for restoration (and not registration). Find the applicable forms under Restoration Forms.
Please visit and read the following sections on the website before completing and submitting the below forms:
Registration: Social Work
Registration: Child and Youth Care Work
Registration: Child and Youth Care Work
Form R.1.CYC.1 Registration Child Youth Care Work Professional
Form R.1.CYC.2 Registration Child Youth Care Work Auxiliary
Form R.1.CYC.3 Registration Students in Child Youth Care Work
Registration: Social Work
Form R.1.SW.1 Registration Social Work
Form R.1.SW.2 Registration Social Auxiliary Work
Form R.1.SW.3 Registration Student Social Work
Form R.1.SW.4 Registration Student Social Auxiliary Work
Form R.6.SW.1 Registration Social Work Qualification Outside SA
Registration: Foreign Graduates
Click on the underlined text to download a document/form or open a link. Some forms are editable and can be completed electronically.
Please first read Foreign Graduates before completing and submitting the application.
FORM R.6.SW.1: Application for Registration: Social worker with a qualification obtained outside the Republic of South Africa
Above to be completed by persons registering for the first time and/ or who are newly qualified as a social worker with a qualification obtained outside the Republic of South Africa as contemplated in section 17D of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978
FORM R.6.SW.2: Application for Registration: Social auxiliary worker with a qualification obtained outside the Republic of South Africa
Above to be completed by persons registering for the first time and/ or who are newly qualified as a social auxiliary worker with a qualification obtained outside the Republic of South contemplated in section 17D of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978
Restoration Forms
Click on the underlined text to download a document/ form or open a link. Some forms are editable and can be completed electronically.
Please first read Restoration before completing and submitting the application.
Child and youth care work
FORM R.2.CYC.1: Application for Restoration: Child youth care work (professional category)
Above to be completed by a child and youth care worker within the professional category of registration for the purpose of restoring his or her name to the Register for Child and Youth Care Workers (professional category) as contemplated in section 20(3) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978
FORM R.2.CYC.2: Application for Restoration: Child youth care work (auxiliary category)
Above to be completed by a child and youth care worker within the auxiliary category of registration for the purpose of restoring his or her name to the Register for Child and Youth Care Workers (auxiliary category) as contemplated in section 20(3) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978
Social work
FORM R.2.SW.1: Application for Restoration: Social work
Above to be completed by a social worker for the purpose of restoring his or her name to the Register for Social Workers as contemplated in section 20(3) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978
FORM R.2.SW.2: Application for Restoration: Social auxiliary work
Above to be completed by a social auxiliary worker for the purpose of restoring his or her name to the Register for Social Auxiliary Workers as contemplated in section 20(3) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978
FORM R.4.SW.1: Application for Restoration: Speciality in social work
Above be completed by a registered social worker for restoring his or her registration for a speciality in social work with the SACSSP as contemplated in section 17C(3)(c) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978 and the relevant regulations related to the registration of specialities in social work
Status Update Forms
Click on the underlined text to download a document/ form or open a link. Some forms are editable and can be completed electronically.
Please first read Change of Particulars before completing and submitting the application.
FORM RR.1: Change of Particulars (All professional groups)
Above to be completed by registered social workers, social auxiliary workers, student social workers, student social auxiliary work, child and youth care workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers, student child and youth care workers and student auxiliary child and youth care workers to notify the Registrar regarding a change in name and/or change in residential or postal address or other contact details as contemplated in section 19 of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978 and the regulations thereto.
FORM RR.2: Application: Status Report (All professional groups)
Above to be completed by registered social workers, social auxiliary workers, student social workers, student social auxiliary work, child and youth care workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers, student child and youth care workers and student auxiliary child and youth care workers applying for a report regarding his or her registration status as prescribed in the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978.
FORM RR.3: Application: Duplicate Registration Certificate or Registration Card (All professional groups)
Above to be completed by registered social workers, social auxiliary workers, student social workers, student social auxiliary work, child and youth care workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers, student child and youth care workers and student auxiliary child and youth care workers applying for a duplicate registration certificate or registration card as prescribed in the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978.
Professional Conduct Forms
Click on the underlined text to download a document/ form or open a link. Some forms are editable and can be completed electronically.
Please first read the following sections and documents on this website:
FORM C.1.1: Professional Conduct: Complaint Form: Alleged Unprofessional or Improper Conduct
Above to be completed by the person to lodge a complaint regarding alleged unprofessional or improper conduct against a social service professional
FORM C.1.6: Professional Conduct: Notice of Dispute against a Determination by the Registrar
Above to be completed by Applicant or Respondent to lodge a dispute against a finding or determination of the Registrar or designated official in terms of Regulation 4(4).
FORM C.1.7: Professional Conduct: Notice of Dispute against the Finding of the Committee of Preliminary Inquiry (CPI)
Above to be completed by Applicant or Respondent to lodge a dispute against a finding and/or decision of the Committee of Preliminary Inquiry (CPI).
CPD Forms
Click on the underlined text to download a document/ form or open a link. Some forms are editable and can be completed electronically.
Please see Continuing Professional Development (CPD) before completing and submitting any form:
FORM E.2.1: Application: CPD Training provider/ programme
Above to be completed by a person and/or organisation (including government departments and higher education institutions) that applies for the registration of an education, training and/or development activity for the purpose of continuing professional development (CPD) with the South African Council for Social Service Professions
FORM E.2.2: CPD: Assessment of CPD actitivty
Above published for information only. For use by the CPD Assessment Panel.
FORM E.2.2A: CPD: Approval Certificate: CPD activity approved and recognised
Above published for information only. For use by the CPD Assessment Panel.
FORM E.2.2B: CPD: Notice of CPD actitivty not approved/ assessment suspended
Above published for information only. For use by the CPD Assessment Panel.
FORM E.2.5: Appeal by CPD provider
Above to be completed by a CPD provider in the case of an appeal
For all social service professionals
FORM E.2.3: CPD: Portfolio of evidence
To be used and completed by registered social workers, social auxiliary workers and child and youth care workers registered in the professional and auxiliary categories of registration to report on and provide evidence regarding education, training and/or development activities for the purpose of continuing professional development (CPD)
FORM E.2.4: CPD: Self-study report
Above to be used and completed by registered social workers, social auxiliary workers and child and youth care workers registered in the professional and auxiliary categories of registration to report on and provide evidence regarding self-study of scientific articles and books relevant to the social work profession and/or child and youth care work profession
Form RR.4: Regulations 3(a): Exemption from annual fees: A registered professional who has attained the age of 65 years
Form RR.5A: Regulations 3(b): Partial exemption from annual fees: A registered professional who does not practice the profession because of health reasons
Form RR.5B: Regulations 3(b): Partial exemption from annual fees: A registered professional who has been unemployed for a period of three consecutive months or longer
Form RR.5C: Regulations 3(c): Partial exemption from annual fees: A registered professional who is not practising his or her profession but wishes to remain registered with the SACSSP
Form RR.1 Change of Particulars for all Professions
Form RR.3 Application Duplicate Registration Certificate or Card for all Professions
For PAIA request for access to record of private body, please see PAIA and POPI Act
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