
Executive Committee

Chairperson: Prof. Paul Mbedzi

Members: Mr. Murendeni Muridili, Mr. Bishop Thibela, Mr. André Viviers, Dr. Merle Allsopp, Ms. Civil Legodu, Mr. Sdumo Masilela and Mr. Alfred Harris

The Executive Committee of Council is established in terms of section 9 of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978, as a statutory sub-structure of Council with the explicit mandate to deal with, subject to the provisions of the Act and the directions of provided by Council, matters and to exercise the powers and functions of Council in-between Council meetings. 

Communication and Public Relations Committee

Chairperson: Mr. André Viviers

Members: Ms. Nicolette van der Walt, Mr. Sdumo Masilela, Mr. Kuhle Ntintili and Mr. Nqaba Bhembe

The Communications and Public Relations Committee, established in terms of section 10(1) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978 to assist Council in the execution its powers and performance of its functions prescribed in the Act and Regulations as far as it pertains to communication, public relations and stakeholder engagements.

Finance and Administration Committee

Chairperson: Mr. Alfred Harris

Members: Ms. Caroline Mokhele, Prof. Fikile Mazibuko, Prof. Paul Mbedzi, Dr. Seithati Motebang, Adv. Lulamile Peter and Mr. Nqaba Bhembe

The Finance and Administration Committee, established in terms of section 10(1) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978 assists Council in the execution of its powers and performance of its functions prescribed in the Act and Regulations as far as it pertains to financial oversight, information communication and technology, business processes and infra-structure.

Human Resource and Remuneration Committee

Chairperson: Mr. Sdumo Masilela

Members: Mr. Murendeni Muridili, Mr. Sdumo Masilela, Mr. Bishop Thibela, Ms. Civil Legodu, Adv. Lulamile Peter and Mr. Lafter Molawo

The Human Resources and Remunerations Committee, established in terms of section 10(1) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978, assists Council in the execution of its powers and performance of its functions prescribed in the Act and Regulations as far as it pertains to human resources in the employ of Council. 

Audit and Risk Committee

Chairperson: Vacant

Members: Ms. Tembisa Jimana, Prof. Kgashane Malesa, Ms Suran Maharaj (external), Mr Nchoke Raphele (external) and Ms. Masesi Malope (external)

The Audit and Risk Committee, established in terms of section 10(1) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978, assists Council in the execution of its powers and performance of its functions prescribed in the Act and Regulations as far as it pertains to the oversight of internal controls, accurate financial, identification, advice and mitigation of risks.

Education, Training and Development Committee

Chairperson: Dr Zurina Abdulla

Members: Prof Fikile Mazibuko, Ms Nicolette van der Walt, Mr Francisco Cornelius, Mr Alfred Harris, Ms Malebo Mokone, Dr Varosh Nadesan and Dr Lesiba Molepo

The Education, Training and Development Committee, established in terms of section 10(1) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978, assists Council in the execution of its powers and performance of its functions prescribed in the Act and Regulations as far as it pertains to  the standardisation of criteria and procedures related to education, training and development across the various Professional Boards and advises Council on any education, training and development matters of the social service professions

Registration Committee

Chairperson: Ms Thembisa Jimana

Members: Ms Lesley du Toit, Mr Francisco Cornelius, Ms Caroline Mokhele, Ms Malebo Mokone and Mr Frans Manthosi

The Registrations Committee, established in terms of section 10(1) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978, assists Council in the execution of its powers and performance of its functions prescribed in the Act and Regulations as far as it pertains to the registration of social service professionals as required in terms of the Act and the respective Regulations.

Policy and Legislation Committee

Chairperson: Mr André Viviers

Members: Prof Fikile Mazibuko and Dr Merle Allsopp

The Policy and Legislation Committee established in terms of section 10(1) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978, assists Council in the execution of its powers and performance of its functions prescribed in the Act and Regulations as far as it pertains to the review and development of regulatory policies, rules and regulations of the SACSSP.

Committee for Preliminary Inquiry (CPI)

Chairperson: Ms. Caroline Mokhele

Members: Prof Kgashane Malesa, Ms Lesley du Toit, Mr Xolani Shabangu. Every Member serving on a Professional Board registered with the SACSSP is designated to serve as a Member of the Committee of Preliminary Inquiry (CPI), subject to such Member having no direct conflict of interest in terms of serving on the Professional Conduct Committee or CPI Appeals Committee.

The Committee of Preliminary Inquiry (CPI), established in terms of section 10(1) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978, assists Council in the execution of its powers and performance of its functions prescribed in the Act and Regulations as far as it pertains to the conducting of preliminary inquiries into alleged unprofessional and improper conduct on the part of a social service professionals in accordance with Regulations regarding the conducting of inquiries into alleged unprofessional conduct.

Committee for Preliminary Inquiry (CPI) Appeals Committee

Chairperson: Mr Murendeni Muridili

Members: Mr André Viviers, Mr Sdumo Masilela, Mr Benny Sithole and Mr Bethuel Mokoena

The Committee of Preliminary Inquiry (CPI) Appeals Committee, established in terms of section 10(1) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978, assists Council in the execution of its powers and performance of its functions prescribed in the Act and Regulations as far as it pertains disputes lodged by a Respondent or Complainant against a finding of the Committee of Preliminary Inquiry (CPI).

Professional Conduct Committee

Chairperson: Mr Bishop Thibela

Members: Mr Linda Maphalala, Prof Paul Mbedzi, Ms Civil Legodu, Mr Alfred Harris, Ms Nicolette van der Walt, Prof Fikile Mazibuko, M. Samantha Baron, Dr Lesiba Molepo, Adv Derrick Block and Ms Ina Thompson

The Professional Conduct Committee, established in terms of section 21(7) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978, is established to exercise and perform all powers and functions of Council in terms of sections 21 and 22 of the Act regarding inquiries into alleged unprofessional and improper conduct on the part of a social service professionals in accordance with Regulations regarding the conducting of inquiries into alleged unprofessional conduct.


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