Change of Particulars
A social worker, social auxiliary worker, child and youth care workers (professional category), child and youth care worker (auxiliary category), student social worker, student social auxiliary worker or student child and youth care worker (professional or auxiliary category) registered with the SACSSP is required in terms of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978 and the applicable Regulations to inform the SACSSP in writing:
- of any change of name/surname within three (3) months of such change with supporting documents as evidence; and
- of any change in contact details (residential and postal address, email address (if applicable) and contact telephone number) within six (6) weeks of such change.
Failure to adhere to the above may result in a social service professional being removed from the Register in terms of section 20(1)(e) of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978. More importantly, the SACSSP is only able to send essential documents, including receipts, to social service professionals if their contact details are up to date.
Change of name and/or contact details need to be done in writing using the form indicated below. There are no costs associated with the change of name or contact details.
FORM RR.1: Change of Particulars (All professional groups)
Above to be completed by registered social workers, social auxiliary workers, student social workers, student social auxiliary work, child and youth care workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers, student child and youth care workers and student auxiliary child and youth care workers to notify the Registrar regarding a change in name and/or change in the residential or postal address or other contact details as contemplated in section 19 of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978 and the regulations thereto.
The SACSSP is in the process of reviewing and updating this feature. It should be available soon.
Status Report Request
Click on the underlined text to download a document/ form or open a link. Some forms are editable and can be completed electronically.
Please first read Change of Particulars before completing and submitting the application.
FORM RR.1: Change of Particulars (All professional groups)
Above to be completed by registered social workers, social auxiliary workers, student social workers, student social auxiliary work, child and youth care workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers, student child and youth care workers and student auxiliary child and youth care workers to notify the Registrar regarding a change in name and/or change in the residential or postal address or other contact details as contemplated in section 19 of the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978 and the regulations thereto.
FORM RR.2: Application: Status Report (All professional groups)
Above to be completed by registered social workers, social auxiliary workers, student social workers, student social auxiliary work, child and youth care workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers, student child and youth care workers and student auxiliary child and youth care workers applying for a report regarding his or her registration status as prescribed in the Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978.
37 Annie Botha Ave Riviera
Pretoria 0084
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(+27) 012 356 8300